How Do You Stay on Your Path When
Life Feels Heavy?

Hello beautiful friend,

Welcome to Week 6 of 90 Days to Be Seen.

Lately, I’ve been reflecting on how self-love and connection directly impact our ability to be seen. When we feel grounded in ourselves, it’s easier to share our truth, take up space, and show up fully. But what happens when life gets messy? When uncertainty, pain, or circumstances beyond our control shake us to our core?

After my meditation retreat, I felt incredible—open, whole, and deeply connected. But just days later, I received difficult news about a family member who has been struggling for a long time. It hit me hard. Suddenly, I found myself questioning my own joy, wondering: Am I allowed to feel happy when someone I love is suffering?

That question led me to a deeper realization. Time and time again, I’ve noticed how easily I shrink when things feel uncertain—how I pull back from my own joy, as if dimming my light could somehow ease someone else’s pain. And yet, isn’t this what being seen is all about? Not just when life is good, but even when it’s uncomfortable?

This has made me reflect on a few things:

  • How do I stay committed to my own path, even when the people I love are struggling?

  • How do I hold compassion for them without carrying their pain as my own?

  • How do I stay rooted in love, rather than being swept up in fear?


I don’t have all the answers, but here’s what I do know: Being seen isn’t just about stepping into the light when things are easy. It’s about staying in it—even when life feels hard.

And the only way to do that is by staying connected to ourselves. By tuning into our own wisdom. By remembering that our joy isn’t selfish—it’s a reflection of what’s possible. Our light can help guide the way for others, rather than disappearing into the darkness with them.

I can’t change my family member. I can’t walk their path for them. But I can choose to keep showing up for my own life. I can honor my emotions, hold space for love and grief at the same time, and continue forward—even when it feels rocky.

Journaling Prompt:

Where in your life do you feel like you need to dim your light for others? How would it feel to stay fully visible, even when things around you are uncertain?


Each morning this week, place a hand on your heart, take a deep breath, and remind yourself:

"I don’t have to disappear to be compassionate. I am allowed to be seen, to feel joy, to take up space—no matter what is happening around me."


I’d love to hear how this lands for you. Do you ever struggle with this too? Let’s connect—drop a comment or send me a message.

With love,


Monica Stevanovic

23 February 2025

Life Designer® coach

Monica Stevanovic