Welcome to coaching!
Please complete this intake form at least 24 hours before our session. This will help us make the most of our time and hit the ground running. It will take about 10 minutes to complete.
I am so looking forward to working with you. The information that follows is designed to answer some frequently asked questions and provide a better understanding of the coaching process. If at any time this information is unclear, please feel free to email me.
What can you expect from our session?
The coaching process is designed to assist you in reaching your goals with nurturing support. In session, we will establish your priorities. I will ask powerful and probing questions, offer different perspectives, while helping you keep in mind what you want most. Everything we discuss will be confidential.
What will I expect from you?
Coaching creates the fastest path to get to the life you design - as such, coaching should be a priority.
Come prepared for every session. Our sessions are designed to get you to the next level quickly.
Have fun with this process, and make sure to listen to your heart as well as your head. Pay attention to your intuition and what your “gut” is telling you. These responses occur for a reason.
At any time, if you have questions please reach out to me at monica@harmonichearts.com. I look forward to seeing you soon!
Your introductory coaching session is confirmed.