The Trigger of Being Seen: An Initial Weight Loss Reflection

After six weeks of effort, I've lost 10 pounds, and people around me are noticing. Some are genuinely happy for my progress, but something unexpected has come up. Their excitement is triggering me, and I’ve been trying to understand why.

It’s not that I’m unhappy about the change. I am, in fact, proud of what I’ve accomplished. But when others celebrate my progress, I feel like it’s a subtle reminder that my appearance needs to change in order to be fully accepted. It’s almost as if their joy is a mirror reflecting parts of myself that I’ve kept hidden—parts I’m not ready to face.

Here’s the irony: I know that when I fully embrace and love all parts of myself, the changes on the outside will follow naturally. But right now, the discomfort I feel when others celebrate my weight loss is a sign that I’m still struggling to fully accept myself. This journey is as much about confronting my inner resistance as it is about the physical changes people notice.

That’s why my 90 Days to Be Seen journey isn’t just about external change. It’s about revealing the hidden parts of ourselves—the parts we’ve kept out of view, or even avoided. The weight loss is a visible change, but the real transformation is in learning to accept and love ourselves, flaws and all.

I’d love for you to join me on this journey. Let’s take this time to uncover the hidden parts of ourselves, challenge our discomforts, and embrace self-acceptance.


Journaling Prompt

When has someone’s praise or attention made you uncomfortable? What might that discomfort reveal about how you view yourself?



This week, try to accept something about yourself that you’ve been avoiding. Whether it’s a compliment, a reflection, or even a part of your story you’ve kept hidden, let’s practice embracing it.


I’m eager to hear your thoughts on this. Together, let’s continue showing up for ourselves.

With love,



P.S. If you’d like to explore this journey more deeply, here are the first two blog posts that from this series:

Monica Stevanovic

31 January 2025

Life Designer® coach

Monica Stevanovic