What If You Stopped to Acknowledge Yourself?

Welcome to Week 4 of 90 Days to Be Seen.

Lately, I’ve had a realization that stepping into the uncomfortable parts of myself is a key step—a gateway—allowing me to show up in the world the way I know I’m meant to. It’s been an eye-opening journey of embracing my growth, even in its messiest, most imperfect form.

This week, during a conversation with my coach, I realized something important: I had been avoiding taking stock of my progress so far. Instead of pausing to acknowledge what I’ve already done, I kept chasing the next "win." It’s like I’m constantly looking toward the future, but rarely pausing to reflect on how far I’ve come.

So, I sat with that discomfort and realized how often I move right past my own growth without truly seeing it. And then, I made a decision. I’m pressing pause—not to fix or change anything—but simply to see myself. To give myself credit for what I’ve accomplished, instead of rushing toward the next thing.

Reflecting on My Own Growth

Since starting this challenge, I’ve:

  • Emailed my list for four weeks straight, even after not engaging with it for nearly a year and fearing rejection.
  • Tackled tech hurdles to launch a blog on my website—far from perfect, but I’m figuring it out.
  • Won a six-week fitness challenge (losing over 12 pounds!)—and, more importantly, I faced my fear of confrontation by asking for my full deposit back instead of avoiding the conversation. I also honored my true needs by finding a gym with better workout times, even though it meant telling the owner I wouldn’t be continuing.
  • And now, I’m stepping into the cringiest visibility challenge of all: dating. I’m putting myself out there fully, instead of staying safely unseen.


Next week, I’ll be attending a meditation event, and I’ve set a goal to speak to at least five men. Wish me luck—and if you have any advice, I’d love to hear it!

How About You?

But enough about me. How are you doing with this challenge? What’s coming up for you as you press pause and acknowledge your own growth? I’m so curious to hear your thoughts and experiences.

Week 4 Journaling Prompt:

Where have you been brave in the last four weeks? What have you done that past-you would be proud of? Write it down. See yourself.

Week 4 Mini Challenge:

Press pause. For one day this week, instead of chasing the next thing, acknowledge yourself. Say it out loud. Write it down. Tell a friend. Let it land.

With Courage,


P.S. If you’d like to explore this journey more deeply, here are the first two blog posts that from this series:

Monica Stevanovic

10 February 2025

Life Designer® coach

Monica Stevanovic